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Town of Starksboro

Town Administrator

The Town Administrator works in support of the Starksboro Selectboard in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities to the town.

The Town Administrator is charged with carrying out programs, implementing policies and procedures, addressing personnel issues, serving as grants administrator, and overseeing IT and HR systems as directed by the Selectboard. The TA will work cooperatively with the Town Clerk to ensure the work of the municipal office is done.  

The Town Administrator is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating the affairs of the town in areas not directly the responsibility of others, for assisting the Selectboard in developing policies for the general direction of town affairs, for planning long-range programs for town departments, and responsible for the performance of administrative and technical duties as assigned by the Selectboard.

The TA is appointed and works at the discretion and direction of the Selectboard.  

12/2022 Statement from the Selectboard:

Over the past few years, the Selectboard and Town Office staff have shared an interest in improving communication, facilitating grants and opportunities, managing technology and human resources, having a point person for state and federal program communications, and ensuring that a forward-looking approach is taken so Starksboro can maximize opportunities that may arise to strengthen our community.

With help of the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds available since COVID-19, the Selectboard has created a new position and the role of Selectboard Assistant has changed to Town Administrator. A successful search and interview process, with both internal and external candidates, was completed in Fall of 2022.  

We welcome Rebecca Elder to this position. She has worked for the town as Selectboard Assistant since 2017 and served as the Zoning Administrator from 2018-20 and again 2022-23. Rebecca and her family resided in Starksboro for 16 years and recently moved to Hinesburg. Her sons attended Robinson Elementary and Mt. Abe and are now sophomores at CVU. 

Full job description

Town Administrator

Rebecca Elder 
802-453-8117 voice mail
802-578-0501 mobile

Office Hours

Tues. & Thurs. 9 to 3 or by appt. 
Please call or email for an appointment