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The 2024 Reappraisal is complete.
The staff from NEMRC will be completing data collection for each property in Starksboro. The properties will be updated road by road. Prior to the site visit, all property owners will receive a postcard in the mail letting you know that the NEMRC staff will be working on certain streets within a few weeks of the mailing.
The staff will complete a site visit to each property. During the site visit all physical data will be verified and updated. The staff will update with new photos and sketches. (exterior photos only). During the initial visit the building footprint will be remeasured and sketched, all physical data will be updated based on the exterior information. If you are home, an interior inspection would be very welcomed (it usually takes just a few minutes).
The NEMRC staff will want to verify certain information with you as well. You can call or email the Staksboro Listers office to schedule an interior inspection if you are unable to accommodate one during the initial visit.
Following the site visit NEMRC staff will leave an information card on your door. The visit card will have information about reviewing the physical data online using the code supplied on the card. The card will include contact information for scheduling an interior appointment or any other questions you may have.
For questions or concerns please email the Starksboro Listers at listers@starksborovt.org OR call (802)453-2639 and please leave a message with the Town Clerk. We will get back to you within a few days.