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Town of Starksboro

Jerusalem Community Center Committee

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The Jerusalem Community Center Committee was created by the Selectboard in 2018 to facilitate the planning and research needed to develop a plan to renovate the historic schoolhouse and the attached fire station. 

Charge to the Committee:

The Committee shall develop a draft plan for a renovation of the schoolhouse to include updates to the existing historical building and additional public space as fits the public need; and inclusion of a constructed fire station #2 as fits the needs of the fire department. The committee shall obtain all permitting necessary to produce a set of construction plans suitable for bidding. The committee shall explore the spectrum of construction options including feasibility, ranging from citizen volunteer construction through full contracting the project and makes its recommendation to the selectboard along with a draft construction budget.

The committee shall keep the selectboard updated on its progress by attending Selectboard meetings no-less than one time per quarter. No contracts shall be entered or expenses incurred without the signatory permission of the selectboard.

Committee Members

Susan Klaiber
Greg Orvis
Tom Estey
Alan Quittner
Luke McCarthy
Megan Nedzinski

Meeting Schedule

4th Monday of each month

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